CYE Insights

Mitigation at the Next Level: How Hyver Enhances Risk Management with ServiceNow and Jira

September 4, 2024

Mitigation at the Next Level: How Hyver Enhances Risk Management with ServiceNow and Jira

As cybersecurity threats become more sophisticated and widespread, organizations face increasing challenges with streamlining their risk mitigation processes effectively. These challenges are compounded by the growing scale of potential vulnerabilities that require swift identification and response.

Hyver, in collaboration with ServiceNow and Jira, addresses these challenges by significantly enhancing cyber risk quantification and simplifying the mitigation steps. This integrated approach not only identifies vulnerabilities rapidly but also improves the coordination of response strategies, ensuring that security measures are proactive and adaptive enough to keep pace with evolving threats.

Hyver’s Nuanced Approach to Risk Mitigation

Hyver enables security teams to analyze vast amounts of data and navigate the intricacies of an expanding attack surface. Traditional industry standards in cybersecurity, such as the ISO/IEC 27001 framework or the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, often prescribe general best practices and recommended security controls. However, Hyver allows for a more tailored approach. By leveraging precise, real-time risk assessments, organizations can move beyond broad guidelines to prioritize their security initiatives based on the unique risks they face. This approach ensures that resources are allocated effectively, and the most urgent vulnerabilities are addressed promptly, providing a targeted defense that evolves with the threat landscape.

Hyver provides a comprehensive framework for addressing vulnerabilities and improving overall cybersecurity posture. This is strengthened by leveraging established platforms like ServiceNow and Jira.

  • With ServiceNow, Hyver enhances workflow automation and incident response capabilities, making the management of security tasks more efficient.
  • JIRA facilitates better tracking and coordination of mitigation efforts, ensuring that actions are aligned with the severity and immediacy of the risks identified.

Together, these integrations contribute towards a responsive and adaptable cybersecurity solution that is well-suited to the dynamic nature of modern cyber threats.

The Benefits of Hyver’s Integrations

Here’s how Hyver’s integrations help with mitigation.

Centralized Incident Management

Integrating Hyver’s advanced analytics with ServiceNow and Jira facilitates centralized incident management. By utilizing data from Hyver, security teams can prioritize incidents based on their potential impact on the organization’s overall risk profile. This prioritization enables teams to allocate resources efficiently, ensuring that the most critical vulnerabilities receive immediate attention.

Moreover, by automating the assignment of new vulnerabilities directly to security operations (SecOps) teams via Jira, the need for manual intervention is minimized. This streamlined approach enhances productivity, allowing SecOps teams to focus more on mitigation than on administrative tasks.

Agile Project Management

The ability to create evidence-based mitigation plans from Hyver further strengthens risk management efforts. By generating actionable tasks within JIRA and ServiceNow, security teams can ensure that every step taken to mitigate risks is backed by robust data analysis. This alignment with business outcomes not only enhances operational efficiency but also improves collaboration among teams. As security teams work hand-in-hand with other departments, the integration allows for a holistic approach to risk management, ensuring that all stakeholders are on the same page.

Security and Business Alignment

One of the most significant benefits of these integrations is aligning security efforts with broader business outcomes. By translating technical vulnerabilities into business risks, security leaders can: 

  • Communicate more effectively with non-technical stakeholders 
  • Justify security investments in terms of business impact 
  • Foster a culture of security across the entire organization 

Real-Time Visibility and Bidirectional Integration

One important benefit of integrating Hyver with ServiceNow and JIRA is the bidirectional flow of information. This capability provides security teams with an up-to-date picture of what has been resolved and what remains open. As tickets are closed in JIRA or ServiceNow, the relevant KPIs related to maturity and exposure are automatically updated in real time.

This level of transparency not only keeps the security team informed, but also enables continuous improvement of the organization’s risk management processes. With clear visibility into vulnerabilities that have been fixed, teams can assess the effectiveness of their mitigation strategies and make data-driven adjustments where necessary.

In conclusion, by leveraging Hyver integrations’ advanced data analytics, centralized incident management, agile project management, and real-time visibility, organizations can enhance their cybersecurity posture and respond more effectively to emerging threats.

Want to learn more about how Hyver enhances mitigation planning? Contact us

Leeron Walter Mendel

By Leeron Walter Mendel

Leeron Walter Mendel is Director of Product Marketing at CYE. With a passion for cybersecurity and AI, she has over 15 years of experience in B2B marketing, building brand reputation through conferences, podcasts, webinars, and events.