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Cyber Risk Quantification Platform

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Hyver Benefits


Understand the true potential cost of cyber events


Effectively communicate with executive teams


Improve cyber risk investment decisions


Prioritize remediation strategy and planning

Attack Route Visualization

Hyver maps possible attack routes to your business assets across all environments. It delivers a complete, visual view of your organizational security posture.

Cyber Risk Quantification

By correlating asset value, the likelihood of attack, threat actor activity, and financial data, Hyver provides a dollar value of the cost of a breach compared to the cost of remediation.

Risk Mitigation Planning

Hyver provides a mitigation plan with clear prioritization according to business KPIs like security maturity and financial impact. That way, you can easily understand your security gaps and how to close them.

Cybersecurity Maturity

Hyver’s cybersecurity maturity assessment evaluates your organization’s overall cybersecurity capabilities and readiness using CYE’s continuous and objective data, as well as your security team’s input.


Hyver integrates with leading security tools, enabling seamless data sharing and enhanced threat detection, which helps optimize your cybersecurity strategy and response efforts.

Attack Route Visualization
Risk Mitigation Planning

How Hyver Helps Your Security


Easy Deployment

Effortless implementation without agents streamlines deployment and reduces operational complexity.


Full Customization

Features, workflows, and integrations are tailored to your organization’s specific needs.


Predictive Data

Reliable information ensures informed decision-making to enable proactive cyber risk management.


Immediate ROI

Benefits include enhanced operational efficiency, reduced costs, and improved security posture.

Dvir Cohen

“I think of CYE as more than just providing features. CYE is more like a partner for us, an extension of our security team. They boost my overall security confidence.”

Read Case Study

See how Hyver enables security leaders to protect their organizations and optimize cybersecurity.

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