Cost of Breach Estimator (COBE)

Evaluate Your Organization's Cost of Breach

Ready to dive into your Cost of Breach Estimator results? They're just a click away.

Estimate the potential cost of a breach and its business consequences with this two-minute assessment.

Exposure(ORG) =
Σ Business
Probability(BCA) X Cost of Breach(BCA)

The chance or probability of compromising the confidentiality, integrity, and/or availability of the organization’s business critical assets

Choose the industry that best describes your organization.
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Hyver's Cost of Breach Model
Calculates data from real-world cyber events
Specific Data
Incorporates unique organizational characteristics
Tested against real incidents
Integrates maturity scores into calculations
Understanding CYE's Cost of Breach Model

Understanding Our

CoB Model
The CoB model analyzes a vast dataset from specific industries as well an organization's business parameters, attack surface, and cybersecurity maturity. Industry sources include reports and claims data from hundreds of thousands of cyber incidents.
The CoB model analyzes a vast dataset from specific industries as well an organization's...
business parameters, attack surface, and cybersecurity maturity. Industry sources include reports and claims data from hundreds of thousands of cyber incidents.
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Business-Specific Data
The CoB is a mathematical model that uses AI and data science algorithms to estimate the financial losses organizations could face if they suffered a data breach based on their business parameters, such as sector, geolocation, and security posture.
The CoB is a mathematical model that uses AI and data science algorithms to...
estimate the financial losses organizations could face if they suffered a data breach based on their business parameters, such as sector, geolocation, and security posture.
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Hyver's CoB model validates its outcomes with vast datasets of real-world claims to ensure dependable and applicable results in various scenarios.
Hyver's CoB model validates its outcomes with vast datasets of real-world...
claims to ensure dependable and applicable results in various scenarios.
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Combining objective assessment of organizations' CoB includes specificity of the cost breakdown to direct immediate costs of managing the breach, as well as indirect costs such as loss or productivity, IP loss, and others.
Combining objective assessment of organizations' CoB includes specificity of the
cost breakdown to direct immediate costs of managing the breach, as well as indirect costs such as loss or productivity, IP loss, and others.
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Hyver incorporates organizations' cybersecurity maturity to inform the CoB mathematical model which directly impacts the ability of organizations to identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover from cyber incidents.
Hyver incorporates organizations' cybersecurity maturity to inform the CoB mathematical...
model which directly impacts the ability of organizations to identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover from cyber incidents.
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Data Fusion
Hyver's mathematical model uses sophisticated algorithms, prediction tools, and machine learning techniques on a combination of data integrated from organizations' dynamic security findings, assessments, industry reports, and CYE's proprietary data.
Hyver's mathematical model uses sophisticated algorithms, prediction tools, and...
machine learning techniques on a combination of data integrated from organizations' dynamic security findings, assessments, industry reports, and CYE's proprietary data.
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